Tuesday, October 16, 2007

A Whole Lot Of Fluffiness

Have you ever had a conversation that leads to another topic?? OF COZ –LAH!!! Everyone has that…even talking bout nonsensical stuff will lead to more nonsensical stuff and so on…

Our current conversation of nonsensical topic of hemorrhoids turns into our latest obsession… OUR BED!!! (our Penang bed – we have four beds, one in PJ, one in my parent’s house, one in Melbourne and one in Penang…yes we are weird people)

Me: our bed…hmmmmm…so nice and fluffy…hehehehehehe. I think I am addicted to it lah

Hubs: your mad…I think ….we have to change the bed…if not sure die. DIE OF REST

soooo nicceeeeee….u also cannot wake up rite?...so nice… I am going to die of fluffiness…
sooo niceeeee

Hubs: hahaha…its like clouds, the chill, the fluffiness…its like sleeping on a big big fluffy *&^**

Me: ur’re sick u know… sick… shit head


Try not to think too much about our conversation… after reading it back…did not make much sense to me… we are just a very weird married couple who just love our bed!

Good Night!!!

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