Tuesday, April 02, 2013

10 Months Already?

My blog is becoming a dusty old place :)
I was browsing through it and my last post about my lil girl was when she was 5 month old. Tommorow my lil pumpkin will be 10 months old. How time flies. I was suppose to document her every month milestone but it has been a many months of crazy sleepless nights and hectic days.
Even until now, motherhood has not been easy. I do not know weather I have a high need baby or I am being too hard on everything. But whatever it is I keep trying to look at the positive side of everything and constantly reminding myself to stay positive and tommorow will be a better day.
Ashley is one lil girl that really dislike milk. I have been having tug of war with her while feeding milk since she was an infant. So at 9 months I finally threw in the milk bottle and decided she is weaning herself from milk. Now I only offer her the bottle in the morning and most of the time she would refuse the milk. She takes 5 meals a day now and she is thriving well. I try to give a well balanced diet...try.... :)
My battle with her on milk has been super super hard, I would give her she would cry push the bottle away, switch to cups, straws, spoon and she would taste it and spit it back out onto my face. Cute it may seem, but that always brings my day down.
Next challenge is sleep. She wakes up so frequent in the middle of the night that I have develop high blood pressure and lack of sleep and zombified every single day. I am still hoping this is a phase and one night she will sleep through and everyone in the room will get a good sleep.
Apart from all these challenges, Ashley is growing up fast with many antics that sometimes I dont know if I should cry and laugh! She can stand up, crawl very very fast and climb. She is taking her solids very well and love her yogurt. she is also very vocal now and if we dont reply her she gets louder. Oh she has 8 teeth and we are suspecting her 1st molars are coming in really soon. One thing I am very proud of her is that she understands simple instructions, and she know what she is allowed to do and what she is not allowed. She really has a mind of her own. And...she loves to share :)
If she has a piece of cracker on her hand she would offer it to us. She would also give her pacifier to us when she wakes up. She would clap her hands when she gets super excited and will bite when she is geram. She will choose which toys or books she wants to play or read to. She will ask to on the her music. She loves to go out and about.
2 more months and my lil baby will be a toddler. So so fast. Cant believe it sometimes :)