Thursday, December 18, 2008

A New Journal For A New Year

I bought a new journal for next year (like I always do), I promised myself I would use it (like I always do), and I have a feeling that I will not and it will sit on my desk untouched and later on will be in my drawer and by the end of the year it will be DEEP in my drawer with stuff on top. (That is how I found my 2008 journal).

So I opened my new journal and ohhh so beautiful… fresh clean pages with lines and endless lines for me to jot down anything at all...

I sat down with my open journal and a pen and decided to write down my New Year resolutions… and then BLANK!

I will see the journal next year under piles of nonsense.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Thursday, December 11, 2008

The One With The Cicaks

I was reading K-Lin’s blog entries on her fear for lizards and it “inspired” this entry. After reading her entries, I realized I AM NOT ALONE!! There are actually real people out there like me…totally freak out at the sound and sight of a lizard! Yes I know…it’s so small… and we are so big… but you don’t understand!!

I do not know how K-Lin’s fear of lizards came about, but hell I sure do remember how mine came about… actually more like a string of unfortunate events.

It all started out many moons ago with Milo…yes my morning cup of hot comforting Milo which the stupid cicak (lizard) decided that I would be ok to share my Milo with it since I was already sharing my room with its cousins!!! So can you imagine the blisters I got from it! Never mind that…fast forward couple of years, when I hit puberty, the cicak decided to base jump from the air-con to the valley of my boobies!! YES!! It landed rite in between my boobs! I will leave the rest to your imagination… The worst was during the late 90s my mom was spotting the latest curls in town and YES the cicak once again thought that mom’s hair looked like a comforting bed of god knows what and landed on her curls and got trapped!! Guess who had to remove it? ME!!! I remember well…I did not remove anything… I was too “eewwwww” and I ran and ran and ran… until today I am still running away from “it”. So yes… my fear of lizards started out when I was young.

Today, when I see or hear any lizards, I will run and scream for my life. At home I keep my windows and doors shut to make sure no lizards can come in. I check public toilets for signs of any lizards and I would rather get UTI than to share a toilet with it! I would make “shooshhhh” sound at it, bang the door, bang the wall, and scare it with a broom/mop when I see one on our balcony. If all else fail, I have my official cicak disposal man. My Hubby. Yes he will do it for a fee. He will only dispose off the lizard after witnessing my “tribal dance” complete with cold sweat and tears around the house.

So K-Lin, I am so glad we share the same fear and one day… we will conquer our fear…but for now I think I will just live with it.

Cameron Highland My Arse!

With the economic meltdown, I was advise to travel locally..."Cuti- cuti Malaysia" ! So I decided to give it a chance. To Cameron Highlands we went over the long weekend and........Cameron sucks! BIG TIME! NEVER EVER GO BACK AGAIN!!! EVER!!

Things are overpriced, rain the whole time, super run down, super traffic jam, super SUCKS!

The place we stayed in "The Lakehouse" suppose to be one of the more better place was not worth it for the price we paid. The room stinks and water pressure was low and the carpet was with stains and all. I cringe thinking about it!
Wasted my whole weekend...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

How Hard Is It To Get A Blardee Tan??

Some may think I have disappeared from the face of the earth! Some may think I have abandoned my blog! But the truth is… I am just blardee lazy this few weeks/months ( I blame it on the financial crisis!). I like to call it like what a lot of people would call - A Writer’s Block. (cheh like I am some pro writer pulak!)

Been travelling a lot this year… I actually took a look at my diary and realized that for every single month this year the longest I actually stayed at home in Penang was for 2 weeks! The rest of the time I am actually somewhere… so it is true what a certain fortune teller told my mom many moons ago… “che beh tiam” (cannot sit still) ha ha ha ha!

So ok… what has pass I will write about it sometime when I can actually remember… Now I just wanna complain about my tan… So myself and hubs got coned by my mom and dad into driving to Koh Samui with the Lions Club of Bayan Baru…and at first we thought – “shit! Another bunch of old people roaring” but thank God, we found some new friends of our age group, so not so bad… got drinking kaki…I ok dee!

Back to my tan! Why? WHY? WHYYY? 2 1/2 whole BALRDEE days in Samui and all I got is a hint A TINY ITSY HINT of colour! Sigh! N not only that…. It is UNEVEN!!!! That’s it, I have decided, since I go to work later that usual, I will go for a morning swim everyday… just to get the white pale look out of the way and get some honey brown in my way

Ok peeps, it has been ages since I posted any pics… so feast your eyes

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Where Am I?

People say that travelling is glamorous and fun. To me, I think of super long flight, recycled air, horrible airline food, small seats with no leg space, jetlag, etc… Yes people, I am back in Penang and staying put in the country for the next one month!

I have been gone for almost four months from Penang, the minute I got back to Penang last 3 weeks was to unpack and pack for our Europe trip, and my “stopover” in Penang was 6 days before jetting off to Rome, Prague and UK. At first I thought to myself… gosh it will be fun!! Boy was I wrong, fun on ground – YES. Fun up on the plane- NO! I wish I could just beam myself to any location in the world!


When we reached Rome or Roma (what the Italians call the city) I was hit by the amount of tourist and how expensive the city was!! Not only that, it was soooo dirty! Ciggie butts everywhere and the city sticks of pee pee! But then again…the city was so old and ancient and beautiful.

After 4 days in Roma, we flew to the city of Prague in Czech Republic. One word! AMAZING!!! London was dusty and rainy (nothing to shout about) until we drove to the City of Bath (which we celebrated our 2nd Wedding Anniversary) and Salisbury which was what we were looking for in a typical English city.

My mom and I did burn a hole in Dad’s pocket by “investing” in a number of designer bags and shoes…. I did say INVEST rite….!!

Picture to follow when hubs and I finally sort out the hundreds and hundreds of photos we took

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Another Round of Detox

The last of our house guest has finally gone home yesterday. A bit sad… cause now the house is so quiet, except for the sound of hubby playing WII downstairs and me watching my FRIENDS reruns upstairs.

Because of all the indulgence I had for the past 2 months… I am now paying the price. Sooo… I am detoxing again! This time for 7 days and if I don’t see the results I will go for 14 days. I need to shed 3 or more kilos this time around… best would be another 7 kilos… yes I might be a bit too ambitious, but I have done it before.

Blah… I am so hungry … gonna munch on some carrot sticks…

Later peeps!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

When was the last time?

When was the last time you laugh till you cry?
It just happend to me 1 hour ago. My sweet hubby made me laugh so hard and besides tearing I swear a bit of pee came out!
That is what life is all about... the little things that makes you light up inside out.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

K-ing The Nite Away with Me!!!

I am not a fan of karaoke...because firstly I know I can't sing for SHIT!!! but my hubby and friends does wonders with the mic! So being a sport, we decided to head to a Karaoke bar last night after dinner with my hubs and our nephew...yups...yups...just the 3 of us!

Before alcohol:

1. I was toally out of tune.

2. I sounded like a frog/toad/or anykind of animal that makes horrible noise.

3. Sitting in one corner feeling super shy.

After alcohol:

1. I was hogging the mic

2. I felt that I was the next Mariah Carey

3. I was dancing /hoping around our private room


Give Lynn alcohol before passing her the mic and you will have a good laugh!!!!

Falls Creek, Victoria

I decided to upload some pics from our Falls Creek trip. More can be seen in my Facebook. Enjoy.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Failed Attempt to Exercise

So...hubs and nephew was planning to go to the local driving range to hit a few balls and I decided to go for my long overdue power walk around Jells Park.
Got all warmly dress up for my walk, I-Pod...check, water bottle...check, walking shoes..check, sunnies...check. AND WHAT HAPPEN NEXT??!!!
There was no driving range at the public golf course and it rained! DAMN!!! even God is letting me know that it is ok to let my fats hang over my skinny jeans!
Now am back at home blogging and the rain stopped!!! Arrgghhhh!!!! now am thinking should I just go for a short walk around the estate or sit my big orange dimple ass down and continue my F.R.I.E.N.D.S reruns. Decisions....decisions.... *sigh*

Thousand Apologies...

My baby cousin message me the other day from KL asking me why I have not been updating my blog...ditto for a friend of mine with the same name. Reason? mom was here and now my 26yo nephew is here...where got time!!!??
Actually I have time... just lazy...
Lets see... so far:
1. Hubs got his PR renewed for another 5 years! (hurrah!!)
2. I put on weight! (3 'effing kilos! no hurrah please)
3. I have stopped online shopping after much debate with hubby ( I lost the debate...naturally)
4. So far, I bought 2 super expensive Aussie designer bags, 1 expensive pair of Bettina Liano skinny jeans, Midas shoes a few belts, a few clutches... (hoping to squeeze more in before I go home in a month's time)
6. Doing my god-knows-how-many-times reruns of F.R.I.E.N.D.S
7. Squeeze in a bit of real office work now and then
8. Cooking, cleaning...the works without my mom's maid
9. Went for a short trip to Falls Creek and DID NOT ski or board!!! (damn my great fall)
10. Confirm my devotion to alcohol at home with hubs and nephew.
11. Play lotsa of WII ( very hazardous)
12. Dinners with my cousin sister and her hubby ( try to meet up every weekend... family is important you know!!!)
13. FACEBOOKING my ass off!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Busy, Lazy, Mozy, Posy...???

It's August and I have not posted any proper entries yet! Busy you ask? Not really... just LAZY!!! plus my mom is here visiting and poor woman she is sick as a (insert word)!
Promise, promise will have a better entry...with pics...laters peeps!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Can't Stop It!

I am such a sucker for television shopping network! I have always tried to avoid the shopping channel as I know I have a weakness for fantastic marketing with false advertising! Unfortunately, yesterday…after dinner, I accidentally BY chance tune into the shopping network channel and then shit happened! I was completely sold by Leeza Gibsons telling me I should get Sheer Cover! SOooooo I picked up the phone and bought it! SHIT! SoOOoo I am not keeping my fingers cross and hoping the package will arrive safely and the product will work as what all the A-List celebrities in Hollywood were raving about! Sigh!

Then TODAY!! Just minutes ago, I was happily browsing through some online shopping and I succumb to it YET AGAIN!!!! I bought dresses online! Shit! Hub thinks I have a problem…huge problem… huge shopping problem… I can buy anything… just present it right in front on me and I am sold! Sales people love me… I think I contribute to a large chunk of their commission! I have to stop shopping online, shopping while watching TV, shopping when I really do not need anymore stuff!! I HAVE TO STOP SHOPPING!!!!

Dear God,

Please help my shopping addiction.
In return, I will….( I will think of something!)


Wednesday, July 09, 2008


Weight update: Only almost 2 weeks back in good 'ol Melboune and I have put on weight! I blame winter and water retention!
Social life update: DEAD!
Baby- making project update: Not too good due to my "great fall"!

Thursday, July 03, 2008

A Prayer for Paul

Dear God
Please make sure Paul recover and be free from his cancer...he is such a good husband, father, brother and gardener.
Despite his illness, he did such a wonderful job clearing the mess from our garden.

Cold Miserable Melbourne

Yes...I am back in Melbourne, and its freezing...and to top it off my bum is worst off in the cold.
So far things are ok, only that we found out that our hot gardener Paul (imagine Mike from Desperate Housewife) is surviving tongue cancer and is still doing chemo. When we saw him...both me an hubs were in shock...he lost like 30kgs and look so sick. We pray to God that he will fully recover from his cancer and eat again instead of being fed by tubes. But even he is sick, he still wanna work at our garden. How to tell him that we don't want him to do such hard work? Poor guy...

Friday, June 27, 2008

Heading Home

It’s the time of the year again…me and hubs will be heading back to our “back-up” home in Melbourne next week. Yes it will be winter and with a sore back, I think it will not do me any good. For the 1st time in history, I am not looking forward in going back to Melbourne… why? why? WHY??

Possible reasons:
the house would be a mess and I have to clean up with a sore back
it is freezing cold
most of my party friends are in Malaysia
I will put on tones of weight due to HUNGRY JACK’s Bacon Deluxe!
I will get back water retention leading to weight gain
I have to iron again
I have to cook…ok I love to cook… scrap that.
the fear that hubs will not get to re-new his residency.

Ok ok … I think it’s the cleaning that is turning me off… anyhoos… another part of me do miss Melbourne… oh dammit I am a major contradicting queen!

Watch out for my next post from cold miserable Pinto Place.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Pokok Tumbang=Me

Have you seen a "pokok tumbang" (tree falling)? Well...I was the tree last Saturday when I decided to lean backward (thinking my hubby was behind me), when I saw him standing next to me and I realise there was NOTHING behind me and wham bam ka boom...timmmbbeerrrr... I fell on my bum bum gracefully.
OK my reaction was slow as I was intoxicated! Yes I was! My punishment from God Himself.
Was in the hospital for day with a tail bone injury. The rest is just me and my bum.
More to come....can't sit too long.... still blardee hurts!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Beeotch Of The Year Goes To.......

Some people are just so insensitive!
I run my own life... I do what I want... I will bear all the consequences...
So effing mind your own effing business...

Friday, June 20, 2008


Dear God,

Forgive me for I have sinned.

I kissed a girl!


Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Dear God,
I know I have been a bad bad girl,
Partying non-stop for 10 days in a row,
I know I am now suffering the consequences,
And I am sorry.
Please make me well to party until end of next week,
I promise that I will be good for two months back in Melbourne.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Indeed A Very Long Weekend!

I am going back to Melbourne in 2 weeks time and me and hubs are cramping in all our partying in this 3 weeks! NUT CASE!!! Yes we are! Last weekend…we spend I met up with my old high school mates which I have not seen in 12 years!!! 12 YEARS…well they see each other often but not me… (some kinda friend huh!) It was great catching up.
And for the rest of the weekend…it was just drinking and drinking… and dancing…and cam whoring… my Adelin will be so proud of me! I really should stop all this….but its wayyyy too much fun…
After all… I have projects to do for my friends…hek hek hek…. Yes… I provide unofficially match making services…

-AT Beach Babylon Blanket or Babylon Beach Blanket-

-At SOI 11-


-At Dome Cafe...nursing hangovers-

Friday, June 13, 2008

My Lunch Time Prayer

Dear God,

Please don't let me get pissed drunk tonight,
I need to drive home safe.



God was busy this weekend,and he did not get my prayer... I was pissed drunk 2 nites in a row and shockingly I lost 1 kg from all the partying!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

One "Siau" Nite In Bagan

OK…so I am reaching the big 3-0 next year and sometimes I still act (in public) like I am just turning 21! One good example was my regular Wednesday nights at Bagan. With lotsa alcohol, great friends and a camera… unleash the CAM WHORES!!!!!

Enjoy some of the more “decent” pictures… *sigh* too bad hubs was not there…it would be double the fun!!!!

-me and peter nguyen, he stole away in my luagage on my Saigon trip-
-ms phuah and ms teoh-
-yats and nick the geek-
-lovely dasha-
-mama G and weels-
-weels and baby boy dan...such posers-
-can you feel the LOVE!!!!-
-weels favourite past time-
-mama G n baby Dan

-I love my drinking buddy-

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

My Prayer Tonight

Dear God,
Please make sure daddy take me to Italy in October,
Yes I know he booked the tickets (1st Class please),
But he likes to cancel at the very last minute.
I will make sure I will not buy more than 5 bags in Bottega or any shops I walk into,
and I will also try to make sure I will be a nice daughter to him and go back for dinner more often.


Girly Girl Weekend in Saigon

I was Ho Chi Minh City (I prefer to call it Saigon) last weekend with my girls…It was one of those girly vacation that all we do is shop, booze and gossip. I hated Saigon when I went there for the very first time in 2004, maybe because, we stayed at a sleazy 70s lookalike whore house with leopard prints bed sheets, maybe it was the dust, maybe because hubs got food poisoning, or maybe cause all the food taste muddy.

Whatever it was, this trip to Saigon was a BLAST!!!! We stayed over at Deb’s sister’s place, which was super nice apartment in a more upper class area of Saigon. It was a very relaxing, fun, lazy trip.

We would wake up in the morning like 8am, and in our PJs we would watch DVDs (which we bought from Saigon Square at a very very cheap $$) like Cash mere Mafia and Lipstick Jungle and have or fruits and coffee. Then we would laze around gossip until it was time to go out for lunch. After a lazy lunch we would then go SHOPPING!!! The markets, the malls, the streets…name it we were there… we would usually be back by 5pm after a drink at the market or at a beer house and get ready for dinner. And the day would end with a late nite drink (bottles of wine) and lounge music and lotsa gossips!! Ahhh so nice!

-Dawn' s you can see, we sort of trashed it!-

-our water for the 3 nites-

We made friends with the locals, especially DJ Samurai and Jeng who I think owns a hip-hop boutique which we took shelter from a thunderstorm… the fun we had…well he made us forget about the rain and we had a bit of fun trashing his shop!!! We even had a Vietnamese lesson from Jeng…and I think I failed badly!!

-DJ Samurai-

-the things we do to entertain ourselves-

Sigh…as for now… back at work… a bit…no very very hard to get the momentum back… I have definitely been bitten by the travel bug!

P/S: I finally got my IPANEMA bags!! and many other bags and purses....heaven!