Thursday, July 18, 2013

13 Month Check Up

Lil Ashley hates her Pead. Poor Dr Sellapan. :(
Everytime we bring her in for check ups she will wail as soon as we step into the clinic. And this started happening when she was 6 months old.
So recently we took her for her 13th months check up and vaccinations and we tought, OK it has been 6 months or more since her last visit, she should not remember. No such luck, the minute she saw the doctor she started crying and protesting. sigh the drama!!! At one point she punch either my hubby or the doctor. And dont even get me started on the cry until vomit,  I won't even go there.
She is tiny for her age. 8.5 kgs only at 13 months. I have seen babies 10kgs at 3 months... but I am not complaining....makes it easy for us to carry her hehehehe.
Apart from her crying episode, she is in good health! *happy dance*

Mid Year Update

Almost 14 months post partum and I still look like I am pregnant! I have internet friends, close friends, family members people on the streets congratulating me *slaps head* That bad meh??!! Actually yes loh... I have shy away from cameras waist down and my boobs and my tummy have become ONE.
The funny thing is that I only put on 5kgs in the whole span of my pregnancy and I lost it all and more after the first 4-5 months post partum. I blame birth control pills! And now I gain back everything minus 5kgs! Sad case indeed.
I give myself till next June to actually look decent on my baby girl's 2nd birthday. I PROMISE!!! So in hopes to return looking normal and fit into my clothes I have enlisted a help of a personal trainer 3 times a week, slimming sessions (which I doubt will work ) and torturous lympathic massage session once a week.  oohhhh and to reduce my hand to mouth exercise ASAP! If all of that does not work then I think God is telling me to get pregnant with another child... coz the fatness may be a sign.
Enough about my fatness.
Our lil Ashley turned one 1 month plus back! How time flies.
I am so totaly in love with her. She can be handful at times but then again which toddler isn't. Quick update.
She finally drinks her milk. One fine day she hand signed to my mom MILK and we gave a bottle of milk and to our surprise she finished it! Since then she will have her milk maybe twice a day. FINALLY!!!!
Her molars are out! OUCH!
She started walking at 13 months! And it was baby steps! hehehehe so proud!
She understands many words and can follow 2 step commands.
She went thru sleep training and now is able to fall asleep by herself.