Monday, March 26, 2012

I Have Gestational Diabetes - %^&*$%^*$%^*$^&%

So my glucose blood test came back with a positive on gestational diabestes (GD) oh hooray @#%^*^

On Thursday I went in to do a blood test at 8am after a night of fasting and then was given a huge cup, YES a HUGE CUP not a shot glass, of horrible extremely sweet no-words-can - decribe sugar syrup/water/potion to drink. Held my breath and gulp it all down only to find my throat closing up at the end causing a gag reflex. But I finished it! Anyone who is not diabetic that have that will automatically become one! IMHO la....

So I assume I can go eat breakfast coz I was super hungry BUT Noooooo I had to wait two more hours and come back for another blood test to determine my glucose level. %^&$%#* NOTE: a hungry pregnant woman is a monster! Two very grumpy hours later, the lab took my blood and I had to wait another two freaking hours for the result. Two very long hours later, Dr D told me my readings. Before sugar killing water it was 5.5mmol/L after the sugar killing water my glucose level shot up to 10.4mmol/L. For nomal people it shud be below 7.8 mmol/L. So that means I have *drum roll* GD!!!

Immediately, Dr. D wanted me to see a dietician and come back on Saturday for a 4 point blood test. What luck!! ^&*%$^&$&

So off to the dietician I went. I was put on a 15 point carb diet. Meaning in one day I have have 15 servings of 15 grams of carbs. For example, 1 slice of bread = 1 serving of carbs; 1/3 bowl of rice = 1 serving os carbs; 1 medium apple = 1 serving of carbs. Sounds miserable!!

So I manage to fullfill 15 point carb diet and I bought myself a blood glucose monitoring machine thingy. Cut long story short, for the past 2 days which I went on my dietition's diet, my reading was normal and yesterday I went on my normal diet and my reading was normal. then what the hell is wrong??!!

Nope there was no mistakes in lab result nor any monitoring machine. I have GD period. Just need to monitor what I eat and prick myself now and then. Goodbye Haagen Daz, good bye Chatime, good bye Starbucks Ice Chocolate.

On the bright side, my GD was not triggered by my weight, it was mostly due to genetics (thanks to both side of my parents), me being Asian, me having all the hormones shot during my IVF and IUI days, me being a "matured" age. On the down side, as my pregnancy progress, my GD might get worse as my pregnancy progress on.

So here is to healthy eating and praying I will sail through this for another 12 weeks plus minus and have a natural gentle birth to my lil baby girl.

Good things will come to me at the end.... a healthy baby with the birth that I wish for :)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

27 1/2 Weeks Update

Birth Plan for Hypnobirthing - big fat stamp of approval from our Dr! YAY!!

Baby girl is 1.1 kgs at 27 half weeks.growing according to specs :) - YAY!

I have put on a total of 5kgs in 27 half weeks. - YAY!

Sugar in urine detected -+2 reading. DAMMIT!!!!! must be all the stupid sugary cravings for the last two weeks. Back for a Glucose Blood Test in two days time.

Discussion of possible preeclampsia coz I look a bit swollen. BOO!!!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Proud of My Bump


love love LOVE!!

Generally people are nicer to pregnant woman. They hold the lift door for you, they smile more at you, the pull up chairs for you, they open doors for you, they let you jump que to use the toilet, pay for things etc...

Just because you are pregnant, people go all the way out to make you feel comfortable. Even our own JPN ( Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara).

Few weeks ago, I followed the hubs to make his new MyKad and I notice that they have a special number for special people like for the elderly, disabled and me; pregnant women! This special number holds a special power. You don't have to wait like all the other normal people!!!

So, fastforward last week, I decided to go make my new MyKad just saja wanna change to my new address and also just want to shiok sendiri to go press for the "special number". When I was there, I proundly press the E button that only dispense special numbers and I beamed to myself ( funny how small things like that excites me!)

Almost immediately, less than 10 seconds my number was called.... so I slowly walk up to the counter and was greeted by a young man who then we have a very interesting conversation. I dunno who was more embarrased...him or me. It was all in Malay but it went something like that:

Man: Excuse me miss, I think you got the wrong number. This number que is for the elderly, disabled and pregnant women.

Me: Huh? But I am pregnant. 

Man: Are you sure? You don't look pregnant.

*proceed to show him my bump by pulling my blouse tightly on my belly* - I was wearing kinda fitted top - be pround of you bump show it! thats my motto

Me: I am 6 months pregnant. Can't you see??!!!

Man: Oh sorry, please have a sit. You just look a bit fat.

*sheeshhhhhhhhhhh kebabsss*

Me: That is good for me then, I look a bit fat only.

Man : sorry miss, a lot pf people pretend to be pregnant to jump que.

A lot of people actually pretend to be pregnant to jump que??!! what kinda sick people are those? sigh... But then the man was very embarrased and apologetic..hehehe I was shocked, slightly happy coz I dont look like a whale. At least not yet.

So there.... just to share with you guys.... also please go change your MyKad before they make it absolute compulsory and then you will have to que for eternity. Tip: Go after lunch...

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

3 More Months!

3.5 is the number of kilos I have put on for the last 6 months of my pregnancy. Lil girl is about 800 grams, am not sure how heavy the placenta or the water bag but am not concern as long as baby is growing and doing fine. 3 more months and I have left max of 6.5 kgs to put on. *fingers cross* please be not more than that!

The doctor has put me on a daily swimming routine. He has asked for me to do so to reduce my cramps and to open up my pelvic and reminded me again and again to do my Kegal exercise 3 times a day. That I always forget.

Have been thinking about my birthing plan. At the very begining or since forever, I always told myself I will op be C-Sec delivery. Don't think I can stand the hours of labor pains and contractions and baby coming out from my "vjj". But lately, I have been having different opinion. I have decided to go for all natural delivery that I have actually started reading up about Hypnobirthing. The concept is very simple actually, to birth in a relaxed method, painless, stressless, without the need for medication. Sounds amazing and almost unrealistic!! I mean in society we all associate child birth as the most painful thing a person can ever endure! In Hypnobirthing, it is believe that with fear, our body and muscle tense up, therefore there is resctriction to the movement of muscle and it will cause the pain. Makes perfect sense!

Anyhoo, I actually went and lookup for a support group in Malaysia and guess what??!! I found not only a support group but a certified Hypnobirthing Childbirth Educator! I also bought the book on Hypnobirthing, The Mongan Method and read it from cover to cover and I actually saw a light at the end of the birthing tunnel. Spoke to hubs about it ( he also pro C-Sec) and  he  has actually agreed to go for classes and that is what we will be doing this weekend... 2 days of intensive class.

I have also spoken to my Dr on my rough birthplan on doing Hypnobirthing. I was so afraid that he was agaist it as many doctors in Malaysia and hospitals rather just go with their own plan than to accomodate to the parents to be plans. But we were surprise, Dr. D actually have delivered a baby through Hypnobirthing. And he is all for it, whatever that makes us happy. But he did have a condition that if there happen to be any emergency, he would have to take over. Seems fair enough. So after the classes, we will write up our final birth plan for him to approve. SUPER EXCITED!!!