Thursday, August 30, 2007


The funny thing happened to me like 5 minutes ago. Since I have been super duper busy with the house, I have no time to shop… so just an everyday MSN chat I have with hubs…you see, I have been eying the hat from GAP since like ages (well actually only 2 nites ago) and he refuse to buy it for me… and dragged me out from GAP which is having like 50% sales!!! Sooo…I wanna go back to GAP tonight and get it… out little conversation went something like this:

-lynn- says:
tonite dinner where ah?
-lynn- says:
wat do u wanna makan
foosh-x says:
no pref
foosh-x says:
no cravings
then we go hmmmmm
foosh-x says:
-lynn- says:
i wanna go 1U to GAP to get my hat
foosh-x says:
-lynn- says:
u donwan to buy for me i buy for myself
foosh-x says:
ini penanglar kawan
foosh-x says:
foosh-x says:
1U apa!?
-lynn- says:
Oooppsss i mean Queens bay ha ha ha
foosh-x says:
its QB
-lynn- says:
i am having shopping withdrawal
foosh-x says:

SO you see… I am definitely having a SHOPPING WITHDRAWAL DISORDER (SWD)

P/S: I like creating my own sickness...

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