Thursday, July 07, 2011


1 more sleep and I will be at Dr. D's office tomorrow to recieve my protocols. ANXIOUS!

Been reading a lot of IVF blogs about real women who goes through the hard journey of trying to conceive. I noticed a lot of these blogs are from women in western countries... I tried to find blogs from local Asian women but can't seem to even find any. TABOO to write about it?  Or maybe I have not been searching  hard enough.

These blogs that I have been reading has help me understand more about the difficulty of infertility and the many factors and conditions of it. Infertility is not only branded on women but on men as well. Our Asian society always assumes that if a woman cannot conceive she is at fault and infertile. That angers me to think people in general makes assumptions like this. Men infertility is also very common, but no one speaks about it. The most common male infertility is sperm count, whish is mostly associated to Azoospermia which means in lay man  terms, inadequate sperm count or sterile. But in my opinion, no men or women should be branded infertile, it should be the couple itself.

Throughout these few months reading all these blogs, I have laugh and cried with them. It makes me feel better that I am not the only one going on this journey, there are millions of couples sailing the same boat as ours. Some, reached their destinations, some are on the way, some are lost, but so far none has given up :)

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