Friday, February 13, 2009

My BIG 30 and A Baby

Shit! I will be turning 30 this year ( this October) ! The BIG 3.0.!! Where did the years go? Everything is happening so fast! I don't even have the time to pause and reflect on what I have done or what I have not done!

This year, I think I will celebrate my 30th by having a baby (or two)! Yes! I think its about time I seriously think about producing little ones! My best friend is already almost 6 months pregnant ( and lovin it!), and two of hubs' buddies are fathers. Sometimes when I look at babies coo-ing and all I get all warm and mushy inside. And when I see the child bonding with the parents, sigh it's absolutely to die for! I also understand under all the cuteness and warmness, it is not easy to take car of a child! Financially and mentally we have to be ready! Well...financially we are sooo ready but mentally, hubs is but I sometimes want it but then sometimes I am afraid by it. Does it mean I am not ready? Not ready to give up my carefree life? Not ready to hold on to more resposibilities? Not ready for the PAIN?? ( my pain level is VERY low!) Many friends and mothers and mothers -to -be that I have spoken to have told me that all my questions and doubts will no longer exist when I have a bun in the oven and even more so when I have the cooked bun on my arms! I suppose there has to be some truth in that!

So the plan is:
1. To hump like bunnies everyday!
2. To hump like bunnies everyday in different sexual positions!
3. To monitor my ovulation.
4. Go for medicals ( to make sure our reproduction "tools" are functioning and compatible)
5. Don't stress!

If all fails by the end of this year...then we will think of something else... in the mean time, I will enjoy my hubby...hehehehehe

Wish us luck!


Irene said...

What an offer for your hubby, I'm sure he'll be happy to help you out. :)

Kheng Lin said...

you will ENJOY your hubby?? oh boy..... pls dun forget to come out with us once in a while when ur taking a break from the enjoyment.

Anonymous said...

Good luck!

Please turn over and fall asleep after sex to make sure all the spermies stay inside you instead of dripping out. :p

Waiting for your good news!

Unknown said...

Good Luck and Work Bed Hard. I bet God will blessed you a child as your heart has already set for it.

Relax and will bound to materialise.

Mang + Mang + Mang said...

after the Holy Act, support your arse and point it to the skies, or lean your legs against the wall. ask tired hubby to roll off to sleep first or drink ice cold bunga kekwa packet drink. meanwhile, gyrate your ass slowly and think of the bun. soon, your burger will come poppin' out.