Tuesday, March 13, 2007

This Week’s Obsession

I think I am the sort of person who gets obsess with something and will pursue it for lets say 1 week... 3 weeks...or maybe max 2 months and then...wham!!! I find something else... Most people call that “hangat- hangat tahi ayam”. I call it variety in life.

For example...at this point I am into reading my novels (I have a on and off relationship with books)... Always love reading but then it only last after I finish one book or two, and I move to something else...at this moment Borders is my favorite hangout after work... I dragged hubby there last nite...AND... Nopes he was not impress at all... In fact he looked "lost" in Borders. You see; he does not fancy reading...the most reading he has ever done is manuals...yes he loves reading those tacky manuals...come on… who reads manuals?? Unless one is confuse on how to record using the DVD player...besides that who on earth reads the manual?! Yups my hubby does!

My current “intellectual” reading happens to be the Shopaholic series by Sophie Kinsella...trust me...it is hilarious… I would never have known that the lead character in the book shares the same passion as me and I suppose with millions of other women around the world: SHOPPING…but the fact that Becky Bloomwood’s thoughts when making a purchase is exactly the same as mine… rationalizing on our “needs” and “wants”; and always end up buying no matter what. If it is a “want” then it would be called an “investment”! hehehehe… And how I am always distracted when all I want to get from the mall is a pair of silver shoes and ended up buying everything else but the silver shoes!! (still looking for a pair of killer silver heels!!)


Mang + Mang + Mang said...

Ha! I walked into MPH today while waiting for someone for lunch and grabbed 'Anthony Bourdain : A Cook's Tour' for 19 bucks. Ha! 19 bucks! HAHAHAHA That's bedda than reading The Far Side comics againandagain.

Seriously, I think he's cool.


Lynn a.k.a.Mama G said...

he is isn't he...