Thursday, February 08, 2007

Annual Dinner

Two more days and I will run the floor for my company’s 27th Annual Dinner. This is the first time that we are actually having a different kinda dinner…most years it was all about inviting guest and VIPs and having it in the smelly factory…this year with my big fat mouth, I suggested to have a small one for the employees only in a hotel doing what a normal company annual dinner should be doing by concentrating more on the employees rather than outsiders. And yes…I was put in the spot of the Organizing Chairwoman!!!

I am kinda having mixed feelings… cause if it does not work out it will be back to the factory annual dinner and no more fancy hotels in the future…My worries is that the program that I have planned for them is all new to them and am hoping they would accept the difference and participate is all the events that I have planned. *sigh *sigh* *sign*…I am also glad that the Directors (china men!!!) actually agreed to all this and the rest of my organizing committee are actually looking forward to this :) *fingers cross* everything will go well…


misz ade said...

hey lynn,don't'll all turn out great.this is gonna be a stepping stone for u to change some old traditions and good luck

Mang + Mang + Mang said...

buy a few barrels of KFC la .. now got promotion what.