Friday, June 27, 2008

Heading Home

It’s the time of the year again…me and hubs will be heading back to our “back-up” home in Melbourne next week. Yes it will be winter and with a sore back, I think it will not do me any good. For the 1st time in history, I am not looking forward in going back to Melbourne… why? why? WHY??

Possible reasons:
the house would be a mess and I have to clean up with a sore back
it is freezing cold
most of my party friends are in Malaysia
I will put on tones of weight due to HUNGRY JACK’s Bacon Deluxe!
I will get back water retention leading to weight gain
I have to iron again
I have to cook…ok I love to cook… scrap that.
the fear that hubs will not get to re-new his residency.

Ok ok … I think it’s the cleaning that is turning me off… anyhoos… another part of me do miss Melbourne… oh dammit I am a major contradicting queen!

Watch out for my next post from cold miserable Pinto Place.

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