Monday, April 18, 2011

The Art Of Making Babies : A Missed Period Means Many Things

If I was pregnant today I would be technically 5 weeks. IF!

This is becoming very very frustrating. We were suppose to start with our second injectables and IUI this cycle but my aunt flow is not here to visit! and she is late by 16 days. I took a pregnancy test about 2 weeks ago and it read negative and I told myself to wait... and this morning I took another test using the best test kit available in the market and it still read a BIG FAT NEGATIVE! Hellooo I wanna see Positive sign!!

Feeling really "blahhh" I finally called my Dr. D's office and am going in tomorrow to see him. Well, actually I sort of already know why it could be a negative.

1. My eggs forgot to come out meaning I missed my ovulation ( which is super super bad when we wanna be preggers!)
2. I might have a thyroid problem which I am not aware of.
3. I might be actually preggers but my HCG level is not high enough to be detected.

Most probably is numero UNO! I did not ovulate last month! But I am hoping that it could be reason number 3.

The word is HOPE.

The funny thing was when my period was due 2 weeks ago, I did have all the PMS symptoms which is similar to pregnancy symptoms. What the hell is going on people!!!!!!!!???????

I need a to r & r soon before I go bonkers!


Anonymous said...

It's strange how conception works. It only seems to happen swiftly when you're least expecting it! So why not try some reverse psychology on Mother Nature and focus on everything else BUT getting pregnant?

Remember, the more relaxed you are, the easier you climax and the faster the sperm swim!

Best of luck! :)

Lynn a.k.a.Mama G said...
