Tuesday, March 06, 2012

3 More Months!

3.5 is the number of kilos I have put on for the last 6 months of my pregnancy. Lil girl is about 800 grams, am not sure how heavy the placenta or the water bag but am not concern as long as baby is growing and doing fine. 3 more months and I have left max of 6.5 kgs to put on. *fingers cross* please be not more than that!

The doctor has put me on a daily swimming routine. He has asked for me to do so to reduce my cramps and to open up my pelvic and reminded me again and again to do my Kegal exercise 3 times a day. That I always forget.

Have been thinking about my birthing plan. At the very begining or since forever, I always told myself I will op be C-Sec delivery. Don't think I can stand the hours of labor pains and contractions and baby coming out from my "vjj". But lately, I have been having different opinion. I have decided to go for all natural delivery that I have actually started reading up about Hypnobirthing. The concept is very simple actually, to birth in a relaxed method, painless, stressless, without the need for medication. Sounds amazing and almost unrealistic!! I mean in society we all associate child birth as the most painful thing a person can ever endure! In Hypnobirthing, it is believe that with fear, our body and muscle tense up, therefore there is resctriction to the movement of muscle and it will cause the pain. Makes perfect sense!

Anyhoo, I actually went and lookup for a support group in Malaysia and guess what??!! I found not only a support group but a certified Hypnobirthing Childbirth Educator! I also bought the book on Hypnobirthing, The Mongan Method and read it from cover to cover and I actually saw a light at the end of the birthing tunnel. Spoke to hubs about it ( he also pro C-Sec) and  he  has actually agreed to go for classes and that is what we will be doing this weekend... 2 days of intensive class.

I have also spoken to my Dr on my rough birthplan on doing Hypnobirthing. I was so afraid that he was agaist it as many doctors in Malaysia and hospitals rather just go with their own plan than to accomodate to the parents to be plans. But we were surprise, Dr. D actually have delivered a baby through Hypnobirthing. And he is all for it, whatever that makes us happy. But he did have a condition that if there happen to be any emergency, he would have to take over. Seems fair enough. So after the classes, we will write up our final birth plan for him to approve. SUPER EXCITED!!!

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