Thursday, August 04, 2011

IVF #1 : Retrieval

Two days leading up to my retrieval, I was in pain, I could not walk, I was so bloated, my back ache like hell.

On the day of my retrieval, I was so happy. I could not take the pain in my ovaries anymore. My retrieval was at 9am and I was in the OT by 8am. Once again I find myself full of fear but I know this needed to be done. Nurse J gave me a numbing jab on my bum and I was on my way to highness. When I was finally wheeled into the OT, Dr.D prep my IV and then I was given my sedation. The thing with sedation, I was not 100%knocked out. I was drifting in and out. What I remembered was during the last few minutes, I guess the drugs must have slightly wear off, I could feel a very sharp pain in my lower abdomen, it must be the needles sucking out my eggs. When I woke up, I was already at the recovery bay... My embryologist told me they had manage to retrieve 13 follicles as scanned and there was 12 eggs and only 10 was matured. So we had 10 eggs. Not a lot but enough.

Hubs took care of me the whole night after that and when I was fully awake, I was no longer bloated and no pain...ok maybe I was popping too many pain killers.

The next step was to see how many embryos was fertilised and my mild OHSS to go away and the transfer

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