Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Happy Chinese New Year!!! Rattss

I have been MIA for a while and will continue to be MIA till end of the month!

Last few weeks were SUPER KE-DUPER CRAZY!!!

1. Stupid U.S. visa mixed up - finally got that fixed...

2. CNY in KL - cannot hog the PC so cannot blog :( , had Brothers & Sisters Season 1 marathon thus hoggin the TV

3. Non-Stop gambling! - won money!!!

4. I got SICK and IS STILL SICK!!! - I am swearing off Mandarin oranges!!!

5. My parents Chinese New Year open house (or what my friends called it - FUN FAIR!) - I call it chaos.

6. I have been sober and nicotine free for 1 week, why? Sick La!!- dammit!

7. Will be travelling in 3 days time and am still SICK!- so dead!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Get well soon!

I just came back from KL and am sick also. I think it's the air. =_="