Tuesday, September 11, 2007

About LYNN

TAGGED by Chrissy ..Woohoo!!! Now I can talk more about myself ha ha ha…before I begin, there are certain rules to follow:

* Players must list one fact, word or tidbit that is somehow relevant to their life for each letter of their first or middle name.
* When players are tagged they need to write their own blog-post containing their own first or middle name game facts, word or tidbit.
* At the end of their blog-post choose one person for each letter of your name to tag.
* Don’t forget to leave a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

Here goes

L ~ anaL…yups that is me alrite… ANAL as one can be…anal about anything on the face of this planet that has to do with me… anal and selfish…muahahaha… need I explain more?? (actually I am not that bad once you get to know me more… I am fun!!!++perasan case) no shame!!
Y ~ onlY child…thank you mom and dad for only having me in the family… feel so bless and loved… even though sometimes I am a bit psycho when I go around talking to myself at the mirror, when I am driving alone, when I am showering, putting on make up, choosing clothes, cooking, walking…when I am talking to my PC…hey is that a “koo koo” bird…so prettyyyy..*siau*
N ~ caberNet sauvignon, my favorite type of wine in the whole wide world (www). Give me a caberNet sauvignon anytime of the day, anywhere I will have the whole bottle thank you very much… hhhmmm…nice…
N ~ giN, another of my favorite poison… love it with a squeeze of lemon, a pinch of salt and top it with tonic water!! REFRESHING BABY!!!

Damn… I am not too good at this tag…such an alcoholic… but who cares… no creative juices this morning… still sleepy *yawn*

Ok Ok… I will have to tag those who share alphabet from my name…let see YOU ARE ON…
1. adeLin
2. lim meng Yew
3. GweNie
4. aNne

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