Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Land Beneath The Wind

What a wonderful long weekend I had!

Yes... I am slightly (only very slightly) tanned and very relaxed. Thanks to our trip to Kota Kinabalu(KK) in Sabah.

We were there for 4 days and most of the time was spend sitting, drinking myself silly and soaking in the sun by the harbour; off snorkeling in the waters around the islands of KK; chilling with my I-Pod on the warm sandy beaches; cruising down the river spotting Proboscis monkeys and fireflies; watching sunsets and ending our nights with a few glasses of whisky and wine while listening to live band. *sigh* BLISS


~P~ said...

I was thinking of going making a trip to KK in June-July.

I'll need to get details from u.

Lynn a.k.a.Mama G said...

Hey babes!!
Going to KK!! Yups no problem!! u can message me anytime!!

Mang + Mang + Mang said...

seriously. i want to be your travel desk person. i'll start a company.