Tuesday, June 21, 2011

IVF #1 : The Birth Control Pill

Aunt Flo came to town full blast and it was time for me to visit Dr D for the start of our first IVF cycle. It was bitter sweet, exciting and a bit sad that we have to go through IVF.

Hubs and I went if for our first blood work and I went in for an internal scan.

Finally a piece of good news since all this treatments started. The polyps that was found previously has reduced in size and that means no operation!! Dr D was glad and so were we.

After much discussion, Dr D decided that we should be put on a long protocol cycle mainly due to my reoccuring polyps and my previous endo and the fact that my menses is not clockwork. It will take about 2 months to complete the entire cycle but as all treatments, it comes with risks. Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrom (OHSS) is one of the major risk whereby the drugs given makes the ovaries produce far more number of follicles required. This can end in cancellation of the cycle or death! YUPS!

So to start of our IVF journey, I am put on birth control pills - BCP (Mercilon) for 21 days. Kinda contradicting being the fact we are trying to get pregnant but then have to take BCP. But as Dr D explain it is kinda important to prep my hormones to get ready for the actual IVF cycle where the injections starts. It also kinda help reduce the chance of OHSS and polyps so that it will increase the chance of a successful IVF cycle.

So for the next 3 weeks, it would be the easiest part of the whole cycle. Am anxious for the injections and multiple bloodworks and many internal ultrasound scans to come. It will definitely be a roller coaster ride.

Dr. D's office called with our initial blood work results. All looking good, everything covered except for my Hep B which I don't have immunisation for...dammit... but I need to get it done after I get preggers.

So, now we wait for July 8 to start my suprefact injections...one of many....

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