Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Art Of Making Babies: IUI Cylce 3.4

10 June 2011

Did a "pee on a stick" test this moring at 7 am! Of coz it was a negative... but I can't stop myself from doing that!! Siau d !

I'ts almost end of the day and I am feeling light headed, a bit dizzy, coughing a bit since last night... oh no I hope I am not coming down with something... seriously not funny if I am sick... took my temp this morning, slightly higher than normal but no fever. Am more tired  today than yesterday..maybe because I kept waking up to pee last night!!

12 June 2011

Woke up again at 7am! Did another "pee on a stick" test but this time around instead of peeing I use the dip in a cup kinda test. Still negative. I keep on hoping to see two lines but bright pink line only! Kinda dissapointed but still hopeful...but the hope is getting less and less as my symptoms that I crazily keep monitoring my turn out to be PMS.

My slight cough has gone away, my temp had gone back to normal but I am still tired and sleepy, my boobies are still sore and tender. I am still feeling bloated and achy cramps on my tummy area. Lower back ache has set in. Mood swings are setting in more. Sound like Aunt Flow will be visiting :( please don't come! PLEASE!!!!

My beta hCG blood test will be in 3 days, it really seem like an eternity to wait... and like I said before, the waiting period is really driving me up the wall... sometimes I wonder, where did I get all the emotional strenght and courage to do all this! I am afraid it will tear me up slowly and I don'e even know it!

But as the blood test date draws near and with two POAS being negative so far, I have sort of start preparing myself for the next step. We will be most likely going on to IVF. It will increase the chances of us getting preggers. The only downside is more injections...actually 3 times more comparing to my IUI cycles and a minor surgery for retrieval of eggs. I must admit, I am afraid of doing an IVF cycle, but if this IUI cycle is really negative, then we are left we no other choice.

*fingers and toes still crossed* for a BFP

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