Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Nonsense Shit From My Head: Part 3

I never knew that starting a brand new home would be so costly and time consuming… I have moved plenty of times over the 5 years living in Melbourne… I don’t remember it being so difficult and costly… so I sat down preteding to work ( with frowning and all) doing what I love to do most… “Analyze” nonsense. I figure that over the 5 years I was in Melbourne I was collecting stuff…so it did not seem a lot or difficult and most importantly…I could get most household stuff by just going to 2 or 3 places… but…noooo…not in sunny Penang… it is frustrating when it comes to buying stuff…it is like everywhere!!! *pissed*

Any hoo…thank god for mom… she knows where to get the best bargain…but it is tiring driving around to different places just to get something… *pissed again* I hope * fingers cross* everything will be done soon… I hate the feeling of “hanging”


Mang + Mang + Mang said...

I think driving around to look for the best bargains is the best part of moving house. Once the stuff are in, it just doesn't seem so nice after all. Ya know, the anal-ity sets in.

Lynn a.k.a.Mama G said...

Anal is my middle name....hahahaha