Monday, November 05, 2012

Our Joyous, Drug Free, Gentle Birth Story

I always wanted a Caesarean delivery. ALWAYS...until I stumble across Hypnobirthing .  It totally changed my view and perception on birthing. It also changed my husband’s view as well. At first we were very sceptical about it, so we decided to enrol ourselves into Wai Han’s intensive course. Those two days was an eye opener and Caesarean was wiped out from our mind!

When I went for one of the routine scans, I discussed with my doctor about Hypnobirthing and he immediately agreed and asked if we have our birthing plan. He proceeded to tell us he had delivered a baby through hypnobirthing once many years ago and was excited to be able to do so again.

I started having period pain like cramps on my 37th week of pregnancy and was feeling heavy but I did not do much as I was busy running around getting my work sorted before going on maternity leave. Then the night before going into my 38th week of pregnancy I could not sleep, the period pain aches was getting stronger. Again I did not think it was labour, until the next morning at 9am I went to pee and I spotted a group of whitish blobs that looked like barley in the toilet bowl. There was no blood, no leaking nothing. Oh my gosh!! Is this my mucus plug?! Isn’t it supposed to be bloody all? I Woke my husband up and we were both staring into the toilet bowl deciding what it was...when we looked at each other we knew, it was TIME!! Our lil girl is coming !!             

Soon then I had my breakfast and started to feel the surges. I started my breathing exercise and started listening to my rainbow relaxation and birth affirmations and rolling on my gym ball. Surprisingly I was calm, hubby was calm and when I finally called my mom to tell her that her granddaughter was coming soon, she was calm as well!!! My surges moved on till late afternoon as it got stronger and more frequent.

At about 5pm we decided that we will go to the hospital as my surges was getting closer and closer but not regular. So we took out hospital bags, the gym ball and went to the ER.

As I walked into the ER I told the nurse I am in labour. She looked at me crazy… I was not in pain, looked calm and smiling. She would have thought I am a mad woman! She took my details and I gave her my birthing plan and told her my doctor is aware and has signed for it. The nurse wanted to wheel me to the birthing suite but I told her I am ok walking but they insisted its hospital policy.

When I went into the birthing suites, the mid wife looked at me and asks me if I am sure I am in labour? Once again I don’t look like a woman in labour! The nurses set me up in a birthing suite and proceed with the entire IV prep, hospital gown and so on. I told her I am having a hypnobirth. Again crazy look at me…my hubby told her to check my files as my birthing plan was in it.

She called my doctor and all was good. I agreed to be monitored for 20 mins and she told me my surges are not close enough and we would have to wait for my doctor to come. My doctor came at 9pm and he told me he wanted to do a VE on me. I agreed as I know he won’t break my water bag and do anything funny. I was 3cm dilated! Sheesh…he told me this will be a long night! Maybe 6-10 hours.

When he left, my surges started to get more frequent but we were left alone in the birthing suite. My hubby set up music and I was riding each and every surge. I even had a hot shower, ate and drink. At about 11pm I started to have very strong surges. We called the midwife and she asked if she was allowed to do a VE, I then allowed it, she was gentle and when she was done, she told me that I was 8cm dilated and baby is coming. YAY!!!The midwife proceeds to call my doctor in while I was still riding the strong surges. I could feel my baby moving down and turning.

When my doctor came, I was propped up and he told me my baby is crowning. I was told to push but I did my birth breathing. After a few surges my doctor told my hubby that the baby head is halfway out and is still in the water bag. But seeing that I am having difficulty breathing her out the doctor asked permission to break the water bag, we agreed as at the time they could not find the heart beat and it has been about 5-6 surges. So he popped the water bag. At one point my doctor told me to feel her head, and I did!! I felt her hair!! After a few more surges I was at the what  Wai Han would call the “hallmark” and that is when hubby reminded me that this is the time she would come and meet us. And just then, my lil baby girl was born.

She was immediately given to me and her eyes were wide open when we met. She knows me!! And when my hubby called her, she responded! Such joy. We had 1 hour of skin to skin bonding and immediate suckling which she managed while my perineum was being stitched up. I am very proud to say that it was a natural tear and no episiotomy whatsoever. Hubby manage to cut her cord and then she was whisked away to be wrapped.

We are so happy that we manage to have a birth that we wanted. A gentle, natural and drug free birth. Our birth plan was respected and followed through. It was something that my hubby and I will never forget.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hypnobirthing sure helps! I didnt attend the class, but i read the book & it helps me a calm myself down while my mother in law panicked when my water broke!lol!the nurse also look at me like insane when i told her calmly that water bag broke & i was not in pain at all!My baby was born after 3 hours! :)