Tuesday, February 24, 2009

How Many Men Does It Take To Wash My Car?

12 Bangla( Bangladeshi) men and an automated tunnel with giant size brushes and water jets!

Yes all 12 of them. How did all started?

I have not washed my car in weeks and it is stained with lots bird poo and dust and god knows what else. So, on my way back from the bank I decided to take it for a car wash. Usually my car wash is done properly either by a proper car wash or by courtesy of my parent's maid.

This time around, being lazy I decided to stop by a petrol station car wash with the automation tunnel thingy. I have been to a lot of automated car wash back in Melbourne, and this would be my 1st in Penang. So we drove in as we approached the entrance we were stopped by 5 Bangla men armed with high pressured water hose thingy with soap, then they come with soapy sponge and started sponging the body of my car. After that was done one man signal us to drive down to the actualy automated tunnel where a wave of water and the swishing of the gigantic brush started brushing my car... towards the end of the tunnel, I could see 1 Bangla man with a large towel, getting ready to wipe my car down as the blow dryer started to dry my car. After than was done he told us to drive on down...so at first I saw like 6 other men sitting there assuming I would drive there and pay for my car wash. I was partially right. The minute they saw us, 6 of them started coming towards us with more towels ( this point, I was freaked out!!) They came towards my car and started drying them some more. By the end of it they took 3 Ringgit from me... the whole experience cost me only RM3!!! But not only that, my car was actually clean!!

I will definately back from my 12 Bangla men and 1 automated tunnel car wash !


Yen said...

I wish I had that kind of service here. I would go all the time. There would huge lineups for it. :-D

Mang + Mang + Mang said...

3 ringgit ? they charge 5 just to wash a damn bike here.