Friday, February 27, 2009

New Moon - Checked!

Yes! I finished New Moon in a day. Started on Wednesday night and finished it last night. Actually if I were to read it non-stop, it would probable take me 8 hours to finish the book.

Damn!! It was good, kept my heart pumping as I turn each page... It was better than Twilight. Now I am looking forward to Eclipse and Breaking Dawn.

I need to get to Borders quick!!!


So during lunch time, I went to Borders and guess what??!! The sold out on Eclipse and Breaking Dawn!!! FRAS!!!

Never mind, I still can go to Popular... AND. when I got there.. THEY WERE SOLD OUT AS WELL!!! WTF*&%$&*^!!!!

Now I am going to suffer from Twilight saga withdrawal !! Worst of all, I can't get into another book store till tomorrow after lunch... AArrrgghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... stress stress stress... I need to know what happened next!!!!

Talk about obsession!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Care To Join Me On The Twilight Bandwagon?

So sue me!

Yes I am guilty of jumping onto the Twilight craze. I know it is suppose to be for teenagers and very young adults not that suitable for a married woman of nearly 30!

But HELL who cares! I LOVE romantic novels, movies anything that warms my heart and make me cry at the same time.

I wan introduced to this book when I was back in Melbourne a couple of years back when Borders was promoting it and I was re-introduced again to the whole saga beginning of last year. I was so tempted to buy it but something was holding me back. Oh yes the fact that I hate horror stories and I hate vampires, so I did not bother with it until the movie came out.

I was asked by my girlfriends to watch Twilight when it came out... I said NO flat out... ignorant as I am always, I kept insisting it was a dark dark movie. After they watched it, the girls were all gushing at how nice and romantic it was... for many months I would hear about Twilight and how incredibly romantic and sweet Edward Cullen was.

So in the end I gave in, I bought the DVD and sat down and watch the whole movie. I thought the movie was kinda draggy and depressing. Edward Cullen was not cute nor handsome neither was Bella Swan. So it was a let down.

Then again, they made a movie out from a novel, it must be good right?? Went straight into Borders and pick one up. Well let me just say, the book is way way way much better than the movie - full stop!

I love how Stephenie Meyer describe every single feeling of both the character especially Bella's infatuation with Edward in the beginning. It was well written and very romantic, unlike the movie. The book actually brought me to a different place, not back in time, not to the future but present time in a world just with different people. In the book I felt like I was watching them from above, every single word, every single movement, every touch, every breath...ahhhh... Well, I do not want to be Bella Swan and I do not wanna date an Edward Cullen. I just like reading about their journey, about what is going to happen to both of them in a relatioship that needs a lot a sacrifices.

So Yes! I admit, I am chasing this on my list New Moon!

Happy reading!

Am I Going Blind?

There is one thing most people do not know about me. And that one thing is that I wear glasses.

Many think that I am very rude when they wave at me from a distance and I don't wave back...well that is because all I see is a very blur moving object. I have tried to explain to people about my condition and of cause being a vain pot I hate wearing glasses. Many have also suggested to me to wear correction lens but well that did not end up how I want it to be.

You see many years ago when I started to wear glasses in school, I look like the ultra nerd/geek! So I never put them on ever except behind close doors in my room at home. As years passed, I sort of thought that hey if I can go out without glasses maybe I don't need it. Boy was I wrong, so I ended up trying to wear correction lens but I could not fit into any. My eyes were way too sensitive and my eyeballs are made in a very funny shape. So every time I tried wearing them it feels like the edge of the contact lens was cutting into my eyeballs. So that was the end of my relationship with correction lens.

Fast forward to yesterday, I had the most horrible migraine and I suspect it has something to do with my eyesight. It was so unbearable that I could not even open my eyes. So I ransacked all my drawers and found my super duper old glasses... man it was soooo fugly! I put it on and felt so much better... I COULD SEE!!!!!

Today, am sitting here typing this entry wearing my old glasses and I can SEE properly!!! I promised myself with the technology today I am sure I can find my love with corrective lens again.

I am sorry to all the people I ignore due to my "blindness".
I am sorry I always snap at you when I can see.
I am sorry I put you in danger while I was driving and could not shit in front of me.
I am sorry I always misread everything.

So wish me luck on finding correction lens that does not cut into or dry up my eyeballs!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

How Many Men Does It Take To Wash My Car?

12 Bangla( Bangladeshi) men and an automated tunnel with giant size brushes and water jets!

Yes all 12 of them. How did all started?

I have not washed my car in weeks and it is stained with lots bird poo and dust and god knows what else. So, on my way back from the bank I decided to take it for a car wash. Usually my car wash is done properly either by a proper car wash or by courtesy of my parent's maid.

This time around, being lazy I decided to stop by a petrol station car wash with the automation tunnel thingy. I have been to a lot of automated car wash back in Melbourne, and this would be my 1st in Penang. So we drove in as we approached the entrance we were stopped by 5 Bangla men armed with high pressured water hose thingy with soap, then they come with soapy sponge and started sponging the body of my car. After that was done one man signal us to drive down to the actualy automated tunnel where a wave of water and the swishing of the gigantic brush started brushing my car... towards the end of the tunnel, I could see 1 Bangla man with a large towel, getting ready to wipe my car down as the blow dryer started to dry my car. After than was done he told us to drive on at first I saw like 6 other men sitting there assuming I would drive there and pay for my car wash. I was partially right. The minute they saw us, 6 of them started coming towards us with more towels ( this point, I was freaked out!!) They came towards my car and started drying them some more. By the end of it they took 3 Ringgit from me... the whole experience cost me only RM3!!! But not only that, my car was actually clean!!

I will definately back from my 12 Bangla men and 1 automated tunnel car wash !

Friday, February 20, 2009

Sinful Meal

I had a sinful dinner last night with my staff. And when I say sinful I meant in in every way! There was sharks fin involved and a certain baby pig.

It started with a prawn dish done in two ways, one was to oven baked it with mozzarella and top it with Tabasco sauce ( very western) the other was a deep friend prawn paste wrapped in bean curd sheet ( very Chinese).

Hubs was very much into the cheese not so much on the deep fried prawn wrap.

Next on the menu was what we all have been waiting for - Buddha Jumps Over the Wall Soup. This soup is very complicate and we had to eat in 4 servings (layers), and it took the chef 2 days to make it ( don't ask me how, have no clue whatsoever but hell it taste heaven!!- No wonder the Buddha jumped over the wall, either to get some soup or just to escape the aromatic smell of the soup!)

The 1st layer of the soup is sharks fin and scallops. I know its bad to eat sharks fin, seeing how the fisherman mistreats the sharks for their fins. But I am a Chinese! We eat everything.. So I am guilty of it!

The 2nd layer consists of abalone and fish tongue. I love abalone and it was very well done.... melt in my mouth and not chewy. The fish tongue however, well... lets just say its fishy but yet the texture is smooth and soft.

The 3rd layer of the soup was big ass Chinese mushroom and sea cucumber. I heart sea cucumber and mushroom, so need not explain!

The 4th and final layer which I did not take a picture of, was a black chicken and Chinese bacon or ham thing and suppose to have a terrapin but I told the chef in advance that we don't eat terrapins so he did not put it in.

After stuffing 4 rounds of soup, most of us were pretty filled up, until the waitress brought in the Roasted Suckling Pig! Oh Man!! Once again its cruel to eat a baby pig which is still suckling on its mother, but please forgive me!

The skin was so crispy and I love to dip it in sweet black sauce and eating it with the steam dumpling (mantau). Hubs on the other hand was enjoying the pigs leg which he devoured like there is no

The following dishes was broccoli with abalone and home made bean curd and sizziling seafood noodles. Both dishes were a bit hard to go in as most of us were super stuffed! But somehow we manage it very well!

After such a hearty and sinful meal, we were treated to a yummylicious dessert. Snow frog desert double boil in coconut. Snow Frog??!! It's what we Chinese call "shiut kap", actually its kinda disgusting, it is actually dried fallopian tubes of some asiatic green frog or knows as hasma.
Yes is sounds horrible, but its actually good for you and yummy!
I must admit it was a fantastic dinner, and everyone was happy and contented with the meal. It's not like everyday we get to eat like an emperor or empress for that matter, seeing that the bill could feed more that 7 of us for many months! And for once I am glad to be a Chinese that enjoyed "Chinese" food!

Thursday, February 19, 2009



How does one be a good and true friend?

Am I a good friend to my friends?

Sometimes I feel that I am but sometimes I don't.

Does that make me a bad friend?

Well, to me..
A good friend is always there to share your happiness.

A good friend will be there to help and support you when you fall.

A good friend will always tell you off when you are wrong.

A good friend will wake up in the middle of night to listen to your troubles.

A good friend will love and cherish you.

A good friend will never betray you in any was possible.

A good friend will not be jealous of you ( and even if so, they will admit!).

A good friend will take care of you when you are sick and alone.

A good friend will drive you home when you are drunk.

A good friend will tell you that the dress looks hideous on you.

A good friend will laugh and cry with you.

Bottom line is a good friend is hard to find and when you find it, cherish it!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy V- whatda Day??

February 14 came and went in a blink... seriously...what was the big deal about it?? Never understand...maybe I am bitter bout it but seriously...

So to blend in with to hoo-haa of Valentines Day, I decided to cook mash and steak for hubby...turned out ok only nothing fantastic and hubs decided to give me Cornetto ice cream cone as my pressie!

The night ended with some friends coming over for cheesecake shooters and few bottles of champagne.


Happy Valentines Day!

Friday, February 13, 2009

My BIG 30 and A Baby

Shit! I will be turning 30 this year ( this October) ! The BIG 3.0.!! Where did the years go? Everything is happening so fast! I don't even have the time to pause and reflect on what I have done or what I have not done!

This year, I think I will celebrate my 30th by having a baby (or two)! Yes! I think its about time I seriously think about producing little ones! My best friend is already almost 6 months pregnant ( and lovin it!), and two of hubs' buddies are fathers. Sometimes when I look at babies coo-ing and all I get all warm and mushy inside. And when I see the child bonding with the parents, sigh it's absolutely to die for! I also understand under all the cuteness and warmness, it is not easy to take car of a child! Financially and mentally we have to be ready! Well...financially we are sooo ready but mentally, hubs is but I sometimes want it but then sometimes I am afraid by it. Does it mean I am not ready? Not ready to give up my carefree life? Not ready to hold on to more resposibilities? Not ready for the PAIN?? ( my pain level is VERY low!) Many friends and mothers and mothers -to -be that I have spoken to have told me that all my questions and doubts will no longer exist when I have a bun in the oven and even more so when I have the cooked bun on my arms! I suppose there has to be some truth in that!

So the plan is:
1. To hump like bunnies everyday!
2. To hump like bunnies everyday in different sexual positions!
3. To monitor my ovulation.
4. Go for medicals ( to make sure our reproduction "tools" are functioning and compatible)
5. Don't stress!

If all fails by the end of this year...then we will think of something else... in the mean time, I will enjoy my hubby...hehehehehe

Wish us luck!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Ma and Her Explosion!

Just sitting and reminiscing my old Melbourne days, I could not help but to remember what my good friend Ma did with the microwave and a boiled egg with shell intact ( for those who knows about microwave will know what is coming next).

And the story goes something like this....

One fine day, while the rest of us was out, Ma decided to watch our favorite re-runs of FRIENDS on the computer and she decided that she will finally eat the egg she boiled the night before. So she took it out and stuffed it in the microwave. When it was done she happily sat down in front of the computer and resume watching the show. The minute her fork hit the egg *KABOOMMMMM*!!! Ma thought that the monitor screen exploded and when she finally open her eyes she was like "eh the monitor is still there, but when is my egg???" She looked around and found the the whole egg has exploded and was on the windows, ceiling and everywhere but in her bowl!

When we came back and when she told us the story we all cracked up laughing and her only logical defense was that she did not know the dangers of a microwave.

Till today we still remind her of the explosion incident and I think until today she has a court order to stay 10 ft away from any microwave!

Hell On Earth

The world is changing and it is for the worse ( Could be a way mother nature is "resetting" the world). Recession is on everyone's mind these days and the weather is just a filler in a conversation. Many jobs are lost, but for those who lost their jobs they still have a roof under them. That cannot be said for the Australians who have lost not only loved ones but also their homes and livelihood to the recent bushfires. The worst is the history of Australia where the state of Victoria suffered the most!

I lived in Victoria and still live there on and off, and summer in Melbourne can be a bitch hitting up to 40 odd degrees. But this time around it went up to 47 degrees almost 50! That is crazy!! I am glad that my area is not hit by the bushfire as most of them are inland and at the national parks where mostly small towns are hit! I cannot imagine what it is like to be caught in a disaster like this where one is literally watching their home burn down to nothing, where the fires are chasing them and destroying everything in sight!

I am just saddened by the disaster and wish that I can do something to help my adopted state.

For those who are in Australia , you can help by donating to the Victorian Bushfire Appeal 2009.

Let us pray that this Hell On Earth will end soon.
Bushfires spreads in the Yarra Valley - The wine region of Victoria. Photo by Brent Lukey @

Yering Station @ Yarra Valley. Photo by Craig Abraham @

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Oh The Condition of My Face!!! Gasp!!!

Today I will be leaving early from work... "curi tulang"( since my big Boss is not in the country), and will be heading to visit "the lady with miracle hands". Yes I am in desperate need of a facial! It has been 3 weeks since my last treatment and I can see that my skin is not looking so good from all the drinking, bad food, late nights and heat!

I will be pampered for 3-4 hours of pure indulgence of face and back massages and having all the luxurious cream slathered on my face! OOHHH thinking of it makes me feel all cosy and sleepy....

Ok times up...

Friday, February 06, 2009

Connecting From One Brick to Another

I have finally took over my dad's Black Berry ( cold storaged my super heavy and old Dopod) and got connected to the world of wireless hand held gadgets! One Word : LOVE IT! ( ok 2 words) LOVE IT!! Could not stop putting it down... I check it every 5 minutes. It is soooo user friendly and I just can't get enough of it... it made me feel so corporate!! (such a sucker!)

Unveiling The Domestic Goddess In Me

K-lin ask me if I wanted to write a topic together...of coz I sed YES, anything to procrastinate the pile of work on my desk! ( which was due like last year!!) So here goes....

I have always wanted to be a Goddess! Yes I am just a mere mortal, but... I have unashamedly declared myself as a Beach Goddess, not yet a Fashion Goddess, nor a Sex Goddess. However, there is another "goddess" in me that many do not know, unless they are very very VERY close to me! Believe it or not, I am a Domestic Goddess in training!!!

I love cleaning! Tell me what cleaning or household problems or catastrophe you have, and I will provide solutions ( most of the time except for getting rid of lizards - still working on that) I want my space to be clean and tidy and livable. I love the smell of fresh linens, clean white towels and dust and sticky free floors. I love clean white unstained walls. I love finger-thumbless print glass and mirrors. I love gleaming toilets and baths. I love ironingI love to see everything nice, pretty and in order (most people would think I have a disorder, but I see it as a positive character!) I LOVE decorating and I am still decorating until today. I love scented candles burning with sweet cranberry scent. I love art.

Being "anal" like me, cleaning and cleaning non-stop, one would think that I am totally nuts! BUT I not only clean I LOVE to cook and entertain. Yes I CAN COOK and it is all edible, I can cook Chinese, Italian, Thai, Indian, Japanese, make Greek salads, soups, grill meats, marinades, you name it... thanks to the 5 recipe books I owned and the world of Google! I did say edible rite... I did not say my cooking was superb Jamie Oliver or Gordan Ramsey quality yummy...

Even I have not reach Grade 1 status in Domestic Goddesses level, I aspire to be one someday...maybe after I pop a couple of kids? Get a bigger house with a bigger kitchen?? who knows, but my love for cooking, cleaning and decorating gives me orgasms! (just like my 2.55)

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Selamat Tahun Baru "Moo Moo' Cina

Happy Chinese New Year to everyone I know and to strangers who reads about my self-absorb life! Ha ha ha!!!

So this CNY has gone by so fast... most of the time ( from what I can remember) is stuffing myself sick with food (i.e. love letters, peanut biscuits, all sort of biscuits, mandarin oranges - a killer, grilled meat also known as "bak kua", numerous yee sangs, steamboat, ee ma's rendang, my grandma's loh bak, my mom's chai boi soup), drowning myself with crazy amounts alcohol and sweet drinks ( hence the rapid weight gain of "x" kilos) and staying up really late/ early in the mornings doing what Chinese does best "GAMBLING".

And at the end of it... well technically CNY has not ended...I am suffering the consequences of it. I am suffering from sore throat, cough, runny nose, very very bad under eye bags, stressed out skin, WEIGHT GAIN!!!!!!

BUT my friends... it is all worth it and I still have about 4 more days to enjoy my CNY and it will be seriously back to work!!

So let me enjoy myself 1st and I will detox again after the festivities of makan, minum dan judi!!!