Monday, April 07, 2008

I Did It!!

I lasted 1 week! It was good… I lost in total 4kgs! I was shocked…of cause with the lost of water and no protein and carbs…anyone would have lost weight! But bottom-line is that I FEEL GOOD!!!

The 1st day was really hard… I was constantly hungry and thirsty and my body went into shock, craving for salty, sugary foods and caffeine!!! I felt light headed and tired and grumpy. By lunch time, I felt like giving up! But I did not!

On the 2nd day, I felt the same as the 1st day… but by the 3rd day into my detox, I felt lighter and not hungry and my cravings had disappeared! I sat through lunch with my colleagues who were enjoying their nasi kandar and I felt nothing!! Ha ha ha!!

By the last day, which was yesterday. I felt good and decided to extend my detox plan to 10 days!

So hopefully I will be able to continue to the 10th day. I am beginning to see the results… besides my weight dropping, I am more alert, energized and my skin seems to glow!

After feeling this fantastic, I am changing my eating habits… I am going to cut my meals smaller and eat frequently, cut down on alcohol *GASP* my cut down on alcohol ha ha ha…but yes I will consume less alcohol, stay off fast food, eat more fresh fruits and veggies.



Chrissy said...

Hey, congrats! Tell me which detox thingy yoy used!!! I need to detox tooo!!!!

Cindy said...

hey can tell me more about your detox diet? i'm thinking of detoxing too...