We have finally moved into our new home! But we still got lots to do...oh joy!
I missed the old place A LOT!
One thing I missed at the old place is NO mossies!!!! Seriously, living on landed house you with a garden in a tropical country is no joke... I have a variety of ants crawling, bugs, mosquitoes, spiders and CICAKS!!!! Loads of them! I try to keep them out of the house, so far so good.
I missed the view at The View...yes I missed sitting on the balcony and looking out at the night view of the Penang Bridge and the sea....
I missed cleaning a SMALL house! At this point, I am getting my mom's maid in to clean... I tried mopping 3 floors plus stairs and I was exhausted! And not to mention cleaning the garden, patio, balcony and car porch. Seriously no joke! I have not even started on the windows!!!
I missed proper rubbish collection. I don't think much about who collects my rubbish as long as at the end of the day my rubbish is collected. Well that was when we were living at the View ( the cleaners collect the rubbish TWICE a day!!) Now, I have to chase the rubbish truck and sometimes I have to leave my garbage door open so they can see that I have rubbish in the garbage "room". Oh how exciting *rolls eyes*
So dramatic rite??!!
Despite all that, I am loving the new house. I have a proper huge ass kitchen! (with Astro Beyond!) Hubs and I no longer fights on who watches what. My bags have proper storage and my laundry room is no longer a corner!
I have a proper dressing room and hubs Star Wars collection is all in a room dedicated for it.
Next up... planning for a house warming and hoping for a baby :)