Who said my social life was dead? To beat Monday blues, I took my baby cousins (ok not so baby anymore) out for some drinking and dancing… ok I was “pimping” both of them!
I don’t remember if I have told my readers this but, when I was younger, I was the naughty cousin sister, the one who drinks from an early age, smoke cigarettes, late nights, and bad spending habits! Hey my parents brought me up just fine, I got a good education and all, and I am married to a wonderful man. To me, I JUST HAD A NORMAL LIFE. So, all my aunties and uncles have always warned my cousins to stay away… BUT… they keep coming back for fun.
My baby girl cousin is all grown up to a ripe age of 21, but I must say she can hold her alcohol better now comparing to a year ago… but attracting guys…still plenty room for improvement. Unfortunately she has not graduated from Lynn’s School of Partying. As for my baby cousin brother of 25 years old…he graduated top from my “school”! He is now Dr. Casanova of Kuching!!! (he is a real doctor!) Parties hard, work hard…this one finally found the balance! SO darn proud of him!!
The rest of my cousins, well no more hope… all studious and they keep away from trouble (namely me!) But its ok… hopefully one day one of my “students” will take over my place as the “wild” one of the family.

-with my two baby cousins-